Executive and Professional Résumé
My approach to developing a résumé is aligned with my philosophy as a coach. Stimulate creative thinking to open possibilities and build confidence in your abilities. Taking an intentional journey through your career helps you internalize the ‘why’ and crystalizes your direction and path. If you’re looking for more than just a piece of paper, read on.
Create your résumé:
- Discover. Session devoted to getting to know you, your ambitions, experience, and interests. In advance of this, please forward a copy of your latest résumé and any positions you are considering.
• Career goals and history
• Recent job search experience, approach, results
• Expectations for this role
• Sparked Resume/interview process - Align. Create your résumé to meet the needs of your role. If you have a specific position in mind, forward the job description before our second call so I can tailor the resume accordingly.
- Refine. Have a conversation around your résumé, identifying examples you could use in an interview, cover letter, or conversation.
- Enhance. Craft a cover letter that supports your résumé. Learn strategies that allow you to tailor the letter to various roles you consider.
Conquer the interview:
Two 60-minute practice sessions that put you in the interview mindset, challenge you with questions you may be asked, and provide feedback how to refine and sharpen your responses. You will walk away with solid examples that showcase your experience and abilities and the confidence to position yourself as a strong candidate.
When you get the new job, continued coaching through the transition period builds confidence in the new role and enables you to create or refine your strategic 100-day plan (which we probably talked about during the interview preparation phase). Three months of coaching gets you into your role, exposes challenges, and provides tools necessary to succeed in your new environment.