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Controlled thrill for your life and career

Life is a rollercoaster, sharp turns, steep climbs and near vertical drops. Coaching provides the support that lets you have fun and prevents you from flying out of the car.

Spark Your Future

Uncover your talents to be a confident and effective leader

Instead of waiting on others to bring your ship in, let coaching give you the confidence to take the helm and navigate your own career.

Spark Your Future
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Most business leaders struggle balancing careers with their lives; we help them craft a plan and provide the tools they need to become a more balanced, confident and effective leader that "has it all together."

Close Up Radio Interview - Part 1
Close Up Radio Interview - Part 2

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Behind the Wheel of Leadership:
Skills and strategies to drive success for new leaders

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The Drive to Lead

Mastering the Art of Leadership Behind the Wheel

"The Drive to Lead " is not just a book that you pick up and read once; it's guide to leadership lessons derived from the universal experience of learning to drive. Whether you're a seasoned executive looking to refine your leadership approach or a rising star aspiring to take the wheel, this book offers a roadmap to success that's both practical and inspiring.

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Executive + Professional Résumé

Considering a career change or going for the next step? The Sparked approach will help your résumé reflect who you are and what you’ve achieved; it’s more than just a piece of paper.

Create your résumé

Discovering, aligning, refining and enhancing your résumé.

Conquer the interview

Get yourself into the proper mindset and nail the interview.

Transition coaching

Build confidence in your new role and refine your 100-day plans.

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Get Life's Balance

Feel like your life is out of balance and your four walls are closing in? Watch this short video to learn more about our program that helps you create a plan to get back on track.

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More About Sparked

David Onks

David has a passion to help others find their true talents, and then having them leverage that talent to reach their highest potential as leaders. Whether it's a leader of people, projects or within their community.

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What our clients say

Joan, Colorado

“David worked with me as I transitioned from a 6-month temporary assignment in another country back to my previous department (which had undergone restructure during my absence.)  I found him to be skilled at asking questions that allowed me to further refine my own thought processes and reach my own conclusions.  Through his inquiries I found:  a way to navigate the transition to a new manager, my own voice to articulate passion I felt but had not been able to express, and put forward my interest in a promotion -- which is currently in process.”

// Pharmaceutical Field Staff
Karen, UK

“David helped me tremendously when I was considering a career change. Through his objective questions and careful, patient listening he was able to help me identify transferable skills that gave me the confidence to apply for a managerial role (that I was then offered and accepted). He has since helped me develop my leadership skills to enable me to be a better leader as a result and always encourages me to challenge what I can achieve”

// Pharmaceutical Manager
Dr. B, Georgia

“I was able to connect with David through his insightful and thought-provoking questions as I was trying to work through some specific areas that were impacting my business. He allowed me the space I needed to be open to reflect upon options I had not considered before. His presence and skills as a coach created a space which was essential in allowing me to connect with him and really explore the options I did not realize I had, in order to move forth to elevate myself personally, and begin to take the steps necessary to grow my business.”

// Global Marketing Consultant
Emile, North Carolina

“Working with David has been a real game changer. He has given me the confidence and ability to work through difficult decisions while having a profoundly positive impact on my approach to leadership. I found his perspectives thoughtful and objective while he helped me work through a number of challenges over the past 18 months. David was also instrumental in tailoring a development plan based on 360 feedback by identifying common themes and focusing on my strengths while addressing weaknesses. He has given me the tools to proactive analyze situations and bring out the best in others. I am grateful for the skills I learned with David and I know that I’ll use them throughout the remainder of my career.”

Lisa, Georgia

“I was fortunate enough to be connected with David when I was asked to stretch my influence to senior leaders within my organization.  I was feeling insecure, lacked confidence in what I had to offer, and was uncertain as to how to approach this request.  Through David’s insightful questioning, attentive listening, playback, and solution-generating techniques, I was able to formulate a plan, execute it, seek feedback, and make adjustments for maximum impact.  David’s support and guidance enabled me to have greater reach and impact within my department.”

//PHARMACEUTICAL District Sales Director
Arvian, North Carolina

“David was instrumental in helping to shape and mold my leadership skills during critical stages of transition of my role. He listened intuitively and asked great questions to enable me to adapt a goal-focused approach. David provided me with coaching tools that I often use as resources to aid with my day to day activities. His effective coaching methods also enabled me to be vulnerable in order to see myself from various perspectives. This allowed me to be more strategic and creative as a leader and added more efficiency to my management style which helped to enhance my team’s capabilities and ways of working. I truly enjoyed having David as my coach, and I can honestly say that my experience has left me as a more matured and effective leader.”

//Pharmaceutical Regulatory Director
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